City of Swan Enterprise Agreement

The Commission may conclude and register collective agreements between trade unions and employers. Agreements may relate to trade issues or to prevent and resolve disputes. Telephone and email service is available for advice on employee relations issues, including corporate agreements, rewards, performance management and employee layoffs. Support is also provided in the preparation of documents (letters, reports) to support HR, managers and superiors in the effective management of their employees. Once the representatives have reached an agreement, the new provisions will be presented to the workers so that they can vote on whether or not to approve the proposed agreement. If the result of the vote is yes, the Fair Work Commission will be asked to approve the agreement and check whether it meets certain requirements such as the “better placed overall test”. Employees have the right to represent themselves or appoint a negotiator to participate in negotiations on your behalf. If you are a member of a union, your union will automatically represent you in the company`s negotiations. There are two staff unions at UniSA – the National Union of Higher Education (NTEU) and the Community Public Sector Union (CPSU). Membership in walga Employee Relations is possible by subscription.

This service is available to WA local governments, the costs of which depend on the size of the local government. WALGA has entered into a formal agreement with the Local Government Association Northern Territory (LGANT) to provide industrial relations, employee relations and recruitment advice to local governments in the Northern Territory. For more information, click here. The large number of subscribers to the service ensures that subscription fees are kept to a minimum and that products and services are more than cheap compared to alternative services available on the market. WALGA Employee Relations subscribers can be assured that they will receive professional, timely and comprehensive support on their individual labour relations topics. To register, click here. For more information on how to become a subscriber, call 1300 366 956. The duration of the negotiations varies as it is necessary to ensure that the agreement takes into account the interests of both parties. Negotiations usually continue until an agreement is reached. While our current corporate agreements expire in June, the terms and conditions will remain in effect until a new agreement is negotiated, voted on and approved by the Fair Work Board. Any current employee covered by the proposed new agreements at UniSA who is eligible to vote is invited to participate in the vote once the discussions are completed.

Although not mandatory, voting is encouraged to ensure that a certain number of voices are heard throughout UniSA. Support is available for a service fee to help members develop company agreements. This service is particularly useful when it comes to formal negotiations with staff representatives. It is an agreement on the relationship between an employer and a group of employees approved by the Fair Work Board. It defines the conditions of employment of staff, including salaries, holidays, working arrangements, etc., and is adapted to the particular workplace. Under the Fair Work Act 2009, an employer and an employee have the right to appoint a person of their choice to act as a bargaining representative when negotiating a company agreement. The current sectoral agreements can be found in alphabetical order below. The search function on the website can also be used to find current and past agreements. Once the negotiation process is complete, reconciliation information is sent to all employees covered by the agreements.

Before voting, a seven-day access period gives employees time to review the agreement and any other documents that will help you explain the agreement and assist you in the voting process. A number of templates are available that deal with the basic concepts of human resources procedures and that can be adapted or modified by individual local governments at their workplace. Any questions or comments you have about updates and/or negotiations can be emailed to University representatives consult extensively with key stakeholders to understand what is working well in the current agreement and what may need to be changed or updated. This feedback is provided to management, which finally reviews, refines and approves proposals for discussion with employee representatives during the negotiation process. Any questions regarding a person`s personal conditions or complaints can be directed to their direct supervisor or representative for personal, talent and cultural partnerships. There are several ways in which University employees can effectively contribute to the negotiation process: Employee Relations offers the following services as part of the annual subscription to our local government subscribers: The University of South Australia`s 2019 Corporate Agreement was launched on July 18, 2019 and has a nominal expiration date of June 30, 2021. The renegotiation of the Corporate Agreement will begin in March 2021. Regular updates are posted on the uniSA corporate trading website. You can also ask by sending an email The WALGA Wages and Workforce Survey is a comprehensive survey of local government employees, compensation and benefits, and human resource management. Survey subscribers will receive a written report and access to an online portal with more personalized results and additional resources.

For more information and to access the online portal, click here. .

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