Definition Du Mot Service

• Unfortunately!” said the Prince of Condé, “I breathed only the service of the king and the greatness of the state (BOSSUET Louis de Bourbon).) The service of a servant, the way a servant performs his duties. This servant has a slow service. 10. Simultaneously. How someone served, the time they served. Get the reward for his services. Promote its services. • Artaxerce. He began his reign and shortly afterwards received a letter from Themistocles who, ostracized by his fellow citizens, offered him his services against the Greeks (BOSSUET Hist. I, 8) • I was wrong to grow old in the service (BERANG. the old corporal.) • Again, this is not the first injustice of which Achilles` Greece rendered service (RAC.

Andr. Me, 2) • However, if it is true that my ministry pleases, Sire, a good word of grace to Father de La Chaise [who had the leaf of benefits] (CORN. Au roi, 1676) XIIIe c.— But the hope [no doubt] weighed on me that one does not make conoïsme boin servise, as long as one has other esprouvé (AUBOINS DE SEZANNE Romanc. p. 127) — They let the dead do all his services (AUDEFR. THE BAST. obè p. 10)— Sire, you see the service we have rendered to your thread (VILLEH.

LXXXIII) – And he would leave the Fiés and the Honors as princes and houses, and then consider the service he would render to the Empereour (VILLEH. CI) — All these sailors will hold you for a year as soon as we leave the port of Venice to exercise the ministry of God and the Pilgrims (VILLEH. XIV)— And Tybert dist: se Dex t`aïst, Renart, di moi où est l`église Où tu va à oïr le servise? (Ren. 20608)— Et se tu fait me cestse (la Rose, 6395)— Tant ai oï de vous bien dire, Que meter veil tout à motto Cuer et cors en votre servise (ib. 1928)— As you like, vostre servise Suis prest de prendre volentiers (ib. 2824) — Hi kings! Well, consider yourself the kind Eyelash who put me out of service (Said truth) 2. Service to God, the concern to dedicate oneself to the works of piety. In Belgium, it can be used in exchange for©© services and. Goods and services (thing produced) Merchant or not [class] • A service mainly rewards (CORN. Suréna, III, 1) • M. de la Rochefoucauld asked me very well to assure you of his service (SÉV. to Mme de Grignan, 14 June 1675) • Do you have the cruelty not to put an end to Tacitus?.

If you do this tour to him, tell me where you went and I will finish it; that is all I can do for your service (SÉV. 67) • M. de Vallier, lieutenant general, man who had pushed the artillery service as far as possible (VOLT. Louis XV, 10) • As advantageous as the ancients were to speak of the work made of asbestos wires. it must be judged that these works could never have been of a good service (BUFF. Min. t. VII, p. 116) 5. He used to say that he was one of all those necessary for the king`s current service. The king leads to this journey only the service. • Please accept my service (CORN.

le Cid, III, 2) Room service, office, stables, etc. special functions of a servant connected to the room, office, etc. Small services, small offices that we fill to be useful or pleasant. Table service, Dishes, Dishes[Hyper.] Self-service • Service staff • Customer service • Public service • Employment service • Service of general interest • Health service • Women`s service • Free service • National service • National health service • Paid service • Postal service • Public service • Secret service • Social service • Universal service • Voluntary service Anagram letter games, crossword puzzles, Joker, Lettris and Boggle are offered by Memodata. The Alexandria web service is powered by Memodata to make it easier to search on Ebay. To be in service, to be at the moment when one is obliged to perform the functions of one`s office, when one actually exercises them. • She is, sir, strong at your service (LA FONT. . . .

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