The total social contribution for employees is 27.65%, which is divided into different types of benefits (17.9% social security for old age, 0.1% dependent/spouse and 9.65% for long-term care). The Dutch social security service UWV deals with maternity and paternity leave in the Netherlands. Maternity leave is paid for at least 16 weeks. This can be prolonged if complications arise. Paternity leave pays only two days. Those currently receiving unemployment, sickness or disability benefits may also be entitled to maternity leave. Learn more about maternity and paternity leave in our guide to giving birth to a baby in the Netherlands. A resident of the Netherlands maintains social security in the Netherlands if he works at least 25% in the country. Social security systems provide temporary income, e.B. in the event of unemployment, old age, illness or incapacity for work. There are 2 types of social security schemes in the Netherlands: do you work in 2 or more EU Member States? Or do you have employees who work in more than 1 EU country? Several factors determine which country is responsible for social security.
For example, the number of hours a person works in a country, country of residence or country of the employer. In any cross-border employment situation, it is important to determine in which country you are covered by the Social Security Act and where you should pay your contributions accordingly. Find out if you have to pay Dutch social security and how to apply for your benefits: no Dutch social security contributions are due. The A1 declaration is issued for a maximum period of five years and the A1 declaration is only valid for EU Member States, DEER countries and Switzerland. If no social security agreement is applicable, the Netherlands applies unilateral Dutch rules to determine the social security contribution of a Dutch employee working outside the EU. The country in which a resident pays social security contributions is also the place where he is insured for basic insurance. The latter can have serious consequences if a resident pays health insurance premiums that should have been paid to another country. The Dutch Social Insurance Bank (Sociale Verzekeringsbank, SVB) pays the actual benefits. There are other conditions that you must meet depending on the Social Security benefit you are applying for. The employer`s social security contributions for 2021 set out in the Regulation are as follows: third-country citizens holding a legal residence permit generally have the same rights to social security benefits. However, if your residence permit has a condition that you cannot apply for public funds, the application for social security benefits may cancel your residence permit.
You can get advice from the Social Insurance Office (SVB). The Dutch social security contribution is levied at the same time as income tax. The contribution is 28.15% of your salary, but will never exceed about 9,400 euros. It is important to know that if you are subject to income tax in the Netherlands, this does not automatically mean that you are also subject to social security contributions and vice versa. Social security contributions and income tax have a completely different set of rules. There are four different areas covered by payroll tax, and you`ll find that it covers almost all types of social contributions and taxes. If you hold an employee position in the Netherlands, social security contributions for employee insurance are automatically deducted from your income by your employer. The EU has rules that determine in which country a resident must contribute to the social security system. The general rule states that a resident of the Netherlands (employee) is covered by social security in the country in which he resides. However, it is increasingly common for employees to work in more than one country. In general, all foreigners living and working in the Netherlands must contribute to the Dutch social security system.
In return, they can apply for government benefits, including family benefits, maternity and paternity leave, unemployment benefits, long-term care, sick leave and disability benefits. However, Dutch social security does not cover healthcare in the Netherlands. All residents of the Netherlands must register with a health insurance company. Nowadays, more and more people are working in cross-border situations, which can make it difficult to know in which country to pay income tax and social security contributions. After two years of sick leave, you can apply for disability benefits from your social security system in the Netherlands. Foreign workers are obliged to pay social security contributions in the Netherlands, but what Dutch social security benefits can you claim – without affecting your Dutch residence? Social security benefits (in Dutch) are determined every six months. There are several social security agreements concluded by the Netherlands for situations where a Dutch worker works outside the EU. It depends on the specific contract in which the employee will be insured. Self-employed workers can register with one of the various insurance companies to receive benefits to employees to whom they have to pay individual social security contributions. Learn more about taxes for freelancers in the Netherlands.
In the Netherlands, each social security benefit is subject to special conditions. Your official documents must be in good standing before you can make a claim. First of all, check if your Dutch residence permits are not affected when you apply for benefits. If the total value of your assets exceeds the threshold, you can always ask the government (SVB) to assess whether you can claim benefits. In some cases, you may need to use these assets before receiving Social Security benefits. The rules regarding social security contributions are complicated, so it is advisable to seek the help of an expert. Still not sure to what extent this applies to your particular situation? Since this is part of the Dutch social security system, long-term care in the Netherlands is covered by the contributions you already pay. However, individual contributions are also paid through the Central Administration Office (Centraal Administratie Kantoor, CAK) in the form of a low or high contribution. Most of the small contribution is paid for the first six months; This is a minimum of € 159.80 and a maximum of € 838.60 per month (2016).
The high contribution is a maximum of € 2,301.40 (2016) per month for long-term illnesses. You can calculate your approximate individual contribution on the CAB website. Note that if you are insured in the Netherlands, you are no longer covered by the social security system of your own country. With more than one million self-employed (zelfstandigen zonder personeel or ZZP) in the Netherlands, social security is a hot topic for the self-employed. Self-employed workers do not need sickness, unemployment or disability insurance like employees. However, you have the choice to enroll in a social security fund to cover these areas. The social security contributions paid by the employer for insurance include unemployment insurance (2.94% or 7.94% depending on the duration of the contract), occupational disability insurance (8.55%) and childcare allowance (0.5%). Employers` contributions are limited to an annual salary level of €55,927. Employees must pay payroll tax on their income. An employee is a person who commits to work for an employer, where the employer pays a salary to the employee and where there is a relationship of authority between the employer and the employee.
Sometimes an employee does not have an employment contract like an employee, but in other respects, their relationship with the employer is similar. This is called “accepted employment,” and the employer must withhold taxes and contributions from the employee`s salary as if they were an employee. Those who have been sick for more than two years and who are at least 35% disabled can apply for disability insurance (WIA). There are two types of disability benefits: the return to work for partially disabled people (Werkhervatting gedeeltelijk Arbeidsgeschikten, WGA) and the full disability benefit scheme (Inkomensvoorziening Volledig Arbeidsongeschikten, IVA). The Dutch social security system is one of the most comprehensive in Europe. However, access to the social protection system is becoming increasingly restrictive and restricts access for many. Social Security benefits are also paid based on the value of your assets and savings, such as . B a car or a house.
Owning assets above the threshold can void your entitlement to benefits. If you have lived or worked in the Netherlands and have contributed to social security, you may be eligible for the AOW pension fund. The amount you receive from the state pension fund depends on a number of factors, including the length of your life and insurance in the Netherlands, as well as your living conditions. The SVB presents the pension rates on its website. A similar explanation can be given for employment situations between the United States and the Netherlands. This is called a 101 statement. A U.S. citizen assigned to the Netherlands can apply for a 101 declaration in the United States, which allows them to continue to be insured in the United States. In this case too, no Dutch social security contribution is due.
The same applies to a Dutch resident in the United States. In this case, the Dutchman maintains social security in the Netherlands. .